The Story of An Extraordinary Artist: Paul Fernandes Captures the Nation’s Urban Past

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Paul Fernandes is the kind of person who sees riches everywhere: in dry, crackling leaves, in shrunken seeds, or in any other kind of wilted tree dropping that most of us would sweep aside. On one of the walls in his aPaulogy Gallery on Pottery Road (,

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Making A Case for Slow Reading

Thursday, August 5, 2021

I grew up, like many middle to upper-income children in our generation, in a very bookish household. Given how television had forayed into our lives only when we were in high school, reading was an activity that was pursued without the kind of self-consciousness and exoticism that is attached to pretty much anything these days.

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When the Director of a Think Tank Starts a Bike Repair Shop: Matthew Crawford’s Startling Career Move

Friday, May 28, 2021

From Intellectual to Manual Work

Matthew Crawford was unafraid to chart a path that would seem “absurd” to the status-climbing, educated class. After garnering a Bachelor’s degree in Physics, and later on, a Doctorate in Political Philosophy from the academically-rigorous University of Chicago,

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When a French Scientist, with a Doctorate in Molecular Biology, Adopts a Monk’s Path

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Matthieu Ricard has always fascinated me for embodying the kind of contradictions that we writers strive to imbue our characters with. So who is Ricard? To begin with, a brilliant student who abandoned a promising scientific career after garnering a doctorate in molecular biology in 1972,

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Sujata Keshavan, Founder and Creative Director, Varana and Founder, Ray+Keshavan, Chronicles her Incredible Journey

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

From The Craftsman: Sennett Expands The Notion of Craftsmanship

Pandora, the Goddess of Invention, was, according to the Greeks, not merely the giver of gifts. Opening Pandora’s jar or box was often considered a jeopardous act,

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Tom Hanks Evokes the Extraordinariness of American Every Days in Uncommon Type

Monday, April 12, 2021

Just when we thought that the all-rounder, Renaissance-types were no longer faddish, Tom Hanks, who hardly needs an introduction as an actor, director and producer, has cranked out an astonishing collection of short stories. And I use “cranked out” because I deliberately want to evoke the clackety-clacks,

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Lessons from a Memoir: Sam Miller Explores Fatherhood, Friendship and Love

Thursday, January 28, 2021

While motherhood has often been the subject of social, psychological and cultural studies, fatherhood has received relatively scanter attention. Such diminution of the paternal role affects not only fathers, but also mothers, who are then assumed to be primary caregivers or at least expected to play a more central parenting function.

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Lessons from Books: A Fascinating Study on How Men’s Bodies are Transforming inside A New India

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Often it takes an outsider’s captivation to shine a distinct light on a phenomenon that is unfolding around us in a seemingly slow and hence almost unnoticeable manner. Michiel Baas, an urban anthropologist who is currently engaged with the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology,

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Leveraging Lessons From A Personal Health Crisis to Found a Startup: Jyotsna Pattabiraman Forges Lifestyle Solutions To Usher Personal Wellbeing

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Jyotsna (Jo) Pattabhiraman: Develops Resilience to Sudden Changes

The mythical “Fountain of Youth” has often served as the object of quest stories. After all, can any treasure chest be more appealing to mortal beings than everlasting youth and the longest-possible,

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Fusing Space-Time with Action: Alok Sinha, Author, Entrepreneur and Board Member, Forges a New Model

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Alok Sinha: Records Memorable Experiences

Alok Sinha was only 30 years old, when he was part of a Tata Motors team that presented a business plan to Ratan Tata, the then Chairman. Tata’s critique spotlighted two key metrices: market share and net profitability.

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Broadening Horizons with Curiosity: Anshuman Bapna, ex-Chief Product Officer, MakeMyTrip and Founder,, Widens His Impact.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Anshuman Bapna: Forges an Enviable Life-path

In early Feb 2020, who could have imagined a café conversation between Anshuman and me would soon acquire the otherworldly glow of an irretrievable past? At the hip Terra Bites in Koramangala,

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Using a Crisis to Deepen Oneself : Nandita Lakshmanan, Founder & CEO of The PRactice, Excavates Meaning From Setbacks

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Pema Chodron: Abiding With Fear

Few people, if any, can predict the exact contours of the world when we
emerge from the ravages of the Corona virus. But the sudden ceasing of sights
and sounds we were accustomed to – the hubbub at a café,

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How Careers in Art can Deepen the Spirit: The Inspiring Life Stories of Gitanjali Maini and Sister Wendy Beckett

Monday, October 28, 2019

Gitanjali Maini: Foraying from HR to the
Art World

Situated inside the heart of Bengaluru, gallery g ( seems to freeze time and halt the city’s perpetual busyness. Designed with an elegant sparseness – shafts of light on wooden floors,

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From a Techie to a Restaurateur, From a Blogger to a Co-Author: Lessons in Reinventing Yourself From Jayanth Narayanan

Monday, August 5, 2019

Jayanth Narayanan, Owner of Mani’s Dum Biryani and Co-author of Secret Sauce and Startup your Restaurant, Constantly Reinvents Himself

Mahatma Gandhi dwelt as intensely on the foods he and his followers consumed (or consciously avoided) as on larger political or spiritual themes.

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From Chief People Officer at Flipkart to the Founder of a Social Enterprise: When the Pursuit of Meaning Sparks Midlife Change

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Mekin Maheshwari: Quitting A High-Status Position to Pursue Meaning

On the Udhyam website, Karthik’s toothy smile radiates into the camera. A migrant from Tamil Nadu, whose wife and two kids reside in the ramshackle Ejipura slum,

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La Grande Jatte and The Anxieties of the Middle Class

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Georges Seurat’s life was a brief flash on the planet. The French Neo-Impressionist painter, who lived in the 1880s, died of diphtheria at the age of 31. And yet, during his fleeting existence, Seurat accomplished a density of work that was to reshape the manner in which future artists would contend with perspective and color and technique.

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